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Editorial: Touching on the Sacred

Submitted by on September 29, 2009 – 6:12 pmNo Comment
Dear Readers:

This issue of The Living Pulpit is focused on sacrament.  I would hasten to say, however, that this focus is not a treatment of sacrament in a traditional way.  There is a rather wide set of beliefs within the Christian tradition about what is held as a sacrament.  We do not explore the traditional categories in denominational terms.  Rather, we explore the meaning or reality of sacrament from a variety of perspectives.

There are articles on the meaning of commonly held sacraments such as baptism and communion.  Other articles seek to explore the sacred in other terms.  For instance, consideration is given to “the recovery movement” as sacrament or social activism as sacrament. I would be interested in your response to our attempt to “take the sacred seriously.”  You can always share your thoughts with me at krussell@nyts.edu.

You will also find in this issue reflections on the lectionary readings for October, November, and December as well as a recently new feature we have introduced called “the art of preaching.”  The “art of preaching” section presents a sermon delivered by Dr. Dale T. Irvin at the fall opening retreat of New York Theological Seminary with a focus on the nature of vocation and call.  I hope that you will find this sermon helpful.

As we make our transition to being an on-line journal, we need your feedback.  We hope that we are making progress in providing timely material.  Please let us know how we might do better.

Our January issue will focus on globalization.  A variety of articles will be presented regarding the nature of this global movement with a concern about how it impacts our ministries and particularly our preaching. If you would like to submit an article to be considered for publication, please let me know.

We continue to encourage the development of a community of preachers where the task of proclamation is valued, life-giving, and transformative.


Keith A. Russell


About the author

Keith Russell wrote 31 articles for this publication.

The Rev. Dr. Keith A. Russell, an American Baptist minister, is The Distinguished Senior Professor of Ministry Studies at New York Theological Seminary in New York City. He has served both as an urban pastor and a seminary president.

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