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Articles by Rev. Priscilla Dross Marcial, M.Div.,


Rev. Priscilla D. Marcial is a doctoral student at Florida International University, curriculum and instruction and educational psychology with a specialty in technology. She received her M. Div. from New York Theological Seminary, where she is pursuing a doctor of ministry degree in pastoral counseling and psychotherapy. She is also a K12 educator and a Disciples of Christ Minister. Rev. Priscilla Dross Marcial is also a United States Ambassador for ABI, who was in Puerto Rico at the Obispado de Mayaguez, Puerto Rico studying and researching profound catholic teachings from the Vatican Papal writings and other prolific sources.

Jesus, the Healer
May 1, 2014 – 12:05 am | Comments Off on Jesus, the Healer
Jesus, the Healer

by Priscilla Marcial

This is an unusual article for our Journal since it deals with a modern day healing of a five-month old baby who had emergency heart surgery; despite the fine reputation of the surgeon and the hospital, the mother felt that the operation had failed, and was terrified. She prayed non-stop for her daughter. A question might be―who was healed?