Choi - Hope for the Flowers 1

Hope for the Flowers 1
by Piety Choi

This painting in mixed media on rice paper on canvas (size: 24"x 24") was inspired by the popular book with the same title by Trina Paulus, Hope for the Flowers. The picture seeks to communicate that life transforms as the book intones. One may perhaps take a modicum of liberty and associate the brown corner as the earth from which life emerges. Flowers can live only when seeds are sown and roots are extended into the soil. Larvae are also to crawl on the face of the earth. I actually put a bit of sand on the base material of this painting. Being transformed from the earth-bound life to the heavenly life, breaking the seal of the chrysalis, and then rising as a butterfly—these are themes of transitioning, that is, being transformed into a whole new existence. I wanted to express the hope for all these butterflies to jubilantly come to life into the world that will be filled with the flowers. —Piety Choi

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